Academy of Finance


NAF Be Future Ready

Attention 8th grade students and Parents of 8th graders:

Admittance Criteria: 

Admission and criteria for selection in career and technical education programs do not restrict any race, color, sex, national minority origin or student with a disability from participation or access in the Fort Lee High School Career and Technical program.

1.) Application (Google Form)- Students complete an application form within the Google Classroom by a date set by the guidance department. 

2.) Writing Sample- Students are asked 2 open ended questions within the application form.

3.) Teacher Recommendation- There is a link within the Google Classroom for the Teacher Recommendation Google Form.  Students ask their teacher for a recommendation and send the link to the teacher.  The teacher completes the recommendation form.  It  must also be completed by the same application hard cutoff date. 

4.) Interview - In person interviews are conducted by high school teachers in the business department.

5.) Hard cut off date that is provided by the High School Guidance Department

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is the CTE program called Academy of Finance (“AOF”)? 

a.) The CTE program Academy of Finance (“AOF”) is designed to prepare students for careers in the highly competitive job market of the 21st Century.  The program has been developed under the sponsorship of the National Academy Foundation of New York.  It encourages and supports partnerships between parents, the community, local businesses, and educators who all work together to strengthen the preparedness of students entering the workforce.  This partnership brings together leaders that will provide the necessary guidance and resources to improve career exploration and education.

b.) The Academy of Finance program offers a special plan of study in finance throughout high school, which fulfills both required and elective credits.  Classroom instruction supplemented by mentoring from industry specialists, college-level class work, field trips, and a required 160 hour summer internship comprise the important components of this program.  Field trips include NYC Museum of Finance, Federal Reserve Bank of NY, and others. Upon completion of the AOF program, the student will receive the prestigious NAF Certificate and also has the ability to be NAFTrack Certified.

c.) College credit is available in Junior Year and Senior Year

d.) Students are eligible for an AOF Scholarship in their Senior year.  The amount varies per year.

Dual Enrollment Information

Fort Lee High School is involved in an innovative program, allowing students to take courses yielding college credits. Fort Lee has entered into an agreement with Fairleigh Dickinson University as well as Syracuse University, whereby this institution grants credits to students upon completion of selected Fort Lee High School courses deemed compatible by the college. Those business courses that have been approved are the following: Accounting I, Accounting II, and Sports & Entertainment Management. The teachers of these courses have been granted adjunct instructor status on the respective campuses. Each student is granted campus privileges, including access to the libraries. Upon successful completion of the course, each student will receive an official transcript, which he/she may submit to the college of his/her choice for transfer credit approval. In order to earn credit the student must register and pay for the course in the guidance office by September of the year they are enrolled in the class unless otherwise noted. 

Annual Public Notice (English)

Annual Public Notice (Spanish)

Annual Public Notice (Korean)

Annual Public Notice (Japanese)